Strike wonder in
8 billion hearts

From moments of wonder, a passion that can redefine a life.
As creators, we will continue to pursue those ideals.
Reaching the heart of uncharted expanses.
Reaching 8 billions hearts, one by one.


Transcending Limits


We will flexibly respond to societal change and help bring about the next big changes. We overcome boundaries like “I can’t do it” or “I’ve never tried before” to take on new challenges each day.

Living the Details


We take pride in our professionalism and ability to be consistently thorough. Our focus on the details of trivial tasks helps us fulfill our responsibilities and promises.

Blazing Ahead


To continually reach success, we have to rise to each and every challenge we face. We may allow ourselves to make some mistakes along the way, but we’ll persevere with blazing speed, no matter how it looks to the outside.

Creative & Conscientious


We aim to be a company that positively impacts society by delivering joy to the people. Our search for yet-to-be-found sensations and economic potential will forever continue.

Respect First


Team unity and co-creation are the most important forces for driving accomplishments in new fields. With respect toward our coworkers in our hearts, we will praise each other as we take on challenges.

Life to the Fullest


We should cherish our private moments just as much as work. From family to recreation and hobbies, let’s continue enjoying and enriching our daily lives.


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globie was founded in May, 2023 by Brave group Europe in hopes to foster a thriving and entertaining community platform for all The name “globie” is short for “global mate.”
Make people all around the world your true mates! You’ll feel right at home when you’re on “globie”